A big thank you to my mother who had the foresight to name me Diane Elaine (Diana is the Goddess of the hunt and Elaine means light) How did she know I was a light hunter? Besides selecting and most auspicious name I am also grateful that she taught me to live fearlessly.
Deepest gratitude for their direct relentless support during my journey to Alison Ray for co-resonating and a compassionate listening ear, and to Rosalie Deer Heart for her soul readings and updates and friendship. She is not currently offering readings for personal reasons, but you can learn more about her books. www.heart-soul-healing.com
Although I have had many teachers in person and virtually a few stand out as beacons of my journey:
Rick Jarow a beacon on my journey since 2004 who I have spent many hours of live work with at Ananda Ashram and his books and audio programs on my journey. His work was instrumental in my learning to go in and come out of meditation. www.rickjarow.com
Lee Carroll who channels Kryon has been with me since 2007. I have attended at least a dozen live seminars and listened to all the free audios ever published, whose global channelings have been very personal to me on many occasions. www.kryon.com
Tom Kenyon whose music plays in the background as the tool/toys are created lifting them to a higher vibration. www.tomkenyon.com
The Glad Helper's Prayer Group at Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment where I have been welcomed as member since 2014.